Using the Reeher Platform to Analyze and Plan for Your FY2018 Annual Fund Initiatives

As we reach the end of FY 2017, now is a great time to evaluate your Annual Giving efforts, and how you can use the Reeher Platform to exceed your goals for the upcoming year. In this webinar, we will examine several ways to look back at the year's performance to help plan your path for the next fiscal year. We will also consider new platform tools and how to use them to enhance your game plan and raise more money in FY 2018.

In addition to an introduction  to AF PDI and EVI Performance, Gift Band Migration, and Direct Marketing Response Rate, we will also cover new features in order to:
  • Analyze performance trends with new channel types
  • Utilize AF AV to determine if appeal and/or AF leadership goals are realistic
  • Hone in on leadership Annual Fund Potential: setting a goal based on numbers, looking at the top of top of green square, incorporating MG EVI in the analysis
  • And much more!

Watch the recorded webinar