Planning for the FY18 Budgeting Cycle - A Reeher Webinar Series  
Finding Wealth When You Need It

As you begin your budget planning, Reeher would like to assist in providing ideas and tools to take your advancement initiatives to the next level. We offer a budget planning webinar series that highlights key tools and techniques that some of your peers are already using.

The topic for this webinar is “Finding Wealth When You Need It”.  Join our joint on-demand webinar with Texas Woman's University to learn how they leverage Reeher's Donor Discovery to improve gathering wealth information in a timely manner with limited resources. 

We cover the following areas:

  • An introduction to Texas Woman's University and how they leverage Donor Discovery
  • The challenges Texas Woman's  overcame by implementing Donor Discovery
  • Successes and lessons learned to date after implementing Donor Discovery
  • An overview of Donor Discovery and an option for a free trial.

Watch the recorded webinar